The Unicorn Issue 4

Issue 4 – Saturday midday edition

Gus the Bus

Gus the Bus Is Here To Help

For those who need a little help getting around the SEC campus. It runs between 09:30 and 20:00. It may stop earlier or later depending on demand.

The best places to catch Gus are the multi-storey Car Park and the east entrance of SEC. Generally, it’ll be along within a few minutes.

Around 80 people for Stroll with the Stars on Saturday Morning


Correction to Issue 3: the Food Trucks and Hall 4 bar may close earlier than midnight if business is slow.

Con Ops asks that people check their personal belongings as they have bank cards, passports, and items. Please collect from the Con Ops office next to the Bakery.

Hold a Hugo!

Did you donate towards the first Hugo Award Trophy?

Come have a photo taken with it 10:00-15:00 Saturday or Sunday at the display under the WSFS banner in the Exhibits Area (SEC Hall 4).


The SEC is required by law to be very strict about room capacity and crowds that may impair everyone’s ability to exit in case of an emergency.

Meeting rooms and the exhibition halls will have SEC stewards at the entrances.  They will be in a uniform, with a white shirt and blue and red striped tie, with or without a blue jacket or cardigan.

Hwæt! (2)

Please keep in mind the following:

•Standing in the back of a meeting room is not allowed unless a steward has given permission.

•If an event is labelled as being for those 18 or over, the steward may request proof of age if there is any question.  Even if accompanied by a parent, those under 18 will not be admitted.

•Do not linger in the doorway to see if a panel is interesting.  Please move into the room and find a seat.  The steward at the door will remind you to please take a seat. 

•If the steward says the room is full, please find another event to attend.

•If a steward asks you to move along, please do so promptly, as you may be creating a choke point in the traffic flow.

Hwæt! (short version)

Don’t overcrowd the rooms.

Please cooperate with the SEC stewards if they ask you to move.

Be sensible.

Get there as early as you can! Even panellists are being turned away.

Sammal has collected 120 ribbons… can you do better?

Are You a Fan of Words?

Attendees are invited to suggest words related to Worldcon themes for consideration for the Oxford English Dictionary. Either scan the QR code or go to:

Montreal 2027 Bid Party in Hall 4, 9pm Saturday night


The SEC Info Desk (opposite the Clydebuilt Bar) has a button that will call a taxi for you. Press the button, make a note of the number displayed and then a taxi will arrive at the nearby taxi rank asking for that number.

Embrace Your Inner Magpie, Buy Art

Buy Instant Sale art easily.

1.Pay at the art show desk.

2.Your art will be marked as sold with red sticker.

3.Collect at your convenience before 1pm Monday!

Come to the Masquerade

Participant sign-up for Saturday night’s Masquerade is completely full.

Please come along and cheer all of the incredible participants. It is happening in Hall 2.

Queuing begins at 19:30 for a 20:00 start.

Fanzine on classic tech for Metropolcon July 2-5 2026 in Berlin!

Accessibility Updates (1)

Scottish weather can be cold and wet on little notice and you may need to queue outside for evening events. Don’t forget a jumper!

Accessibility Desk has vegan snacks and sanitary products for anyone who needs them.

If you are unable to make it to the supermarket, Accessibility are offering to go for those who are in need.

Accessibility Updates (2)

The Accessibility Desk has physical editions of the Programme and we are actively working to ensure they have a limited number of physical editions of the newsletter.

Thank you to everyone who has returned Radar keys.

Still Lost?

There is a map of the Crowne Plaza available on the Member Portal.

The Castle and Argyll rooms are located in the Crowne Plaza hotel, at ground level.


Thanks to Steve Davies, Ian Brogan, Glasgow photo pool, Sean Berry, Effy,  Rebecca Montgomery & Mike Scott

Unicorn logo by Sue Mason.

Thanks to the SEC for sorting out our internet connection!