Community Fund Testimonials

Worldcon Community Funds Make a Difference

Glasgow 2024’s Community Fund is modelled on Chicon 8’s Community Fund, which was exceptional in its dedication to helping fans of limited means and members of marginalised and underrepresented communities attend the convention. Here are some stories from recipients of Chicon’s Community Fund, which explain what the Fund meant to them.

“I was the recipient of the Chicago Worldcon Community Fund in 2022. I used it to cover my hotel which, at the time, I could not afford. The funds gave me peace of mind, both before attending the con as I was able to secure funds early, and during the con, as I was able to spend late nights networking and not worry about commuting to my family’s house an hour away. Plus, I used to work in the same building as the hotel, so it was nice to return 30 years later not as a secretary, but as a professional writer. Thank you very much, Worldcon Community Fund!”

“As a lifelong sci-fi and fantasy geek starting from when my mom first introduced me to Star Trek at age 5, getting to be a part of Chicon was an experience I will never forget. I am multiply-disabled and am dependent on Social Security Disability and a housing voucher to even survive, let alone have spare money for things like conventions. By getting the scholarship, especially so early, I was able to plan and accommodate the vast majority of my needs to be a full and active participant in panels, get-togethers, and discussions. I made contacts with new people that I might never otherwise have met, and I strengthened relationships with friends that are dear and precious to me. I hope that others will be able to benefit from the fund as much as I did, and that those who donate know that their generosity is bringing a fan much-needed wonder and inspiration in an often precarious world.”

“The Community fund was an invaluable aid in helping ensure at least one participant made it there from the African continent. Its timely manner of disbursement was instrumental in starting my visa application early, without which I wouldn’t have sorted out attendant visa, currency conversion, transfer & other technical issues. I do hope others, especially in marginalized positions can continue to benefit from this timely and pertinent initiative.
Attending WorldCon in Chicago was a once in a lifetime experience for me and my partner. I already had money for a ticket but didn’t have any funds for a hotel room. Receiving funds early made it so that I was able to save money on my hotel booking and require a much smaller amount of funding to achieve my travel goals. It also made it so that I was able to figure out how to get to the convention and back, we traveled on a lovely commuter train through Chicago and it was very scenic.”

“The community fund helped me upgrade to a larger hotel room so that I could convince a couple of extra friends to attend Worldcon as well, and covered my caffeine for the weekend, which was especially nice since downtown prices are quite different from my area in the suburbs! And while obviously not everyone was broadcasting that they got to participate, I think having the community fund and being very public about it helps contribute to a more diverse attending audience, which is very important for an event of this scale and longevity so that it doesn’t go sour.”

“I am so grateful for receiving assistance from the Chicago Worldcon Community Fund. Through these funds, I could attend Chicon and be a part of the SFF community. As an SFF writer, it was very inspiring being in this space and getting the chance to attend the plethora of panels offered. I would have never been able to attend Chicon had it not been for the generosity of these funds.”

“Chicon8 was my first con and I also got to participate in panels. It was such an experience from someone who usually resides too far to meet anyone or participate in anything in-person. It’s also why I’m hoping to get aid again this year and be able to attend. During the con I not only met a lot of amazing people but also other BIPOC who had received support financially to attend. For me, I felt this strong sense of welcoming and community, and it was incredibly meaningful to know that there was a space for me thanks to the support of others involved. Also, taking part in the panels and being lucky enough to have financial support to attend made me appreciate everything in the sense that the effort of everyone working behind the scenes was front and centre in my perception. Events like this couldn’t happen without all the hard work the staff and volunteers come in, and people who can and do donate to fund make a difference. It might not be super obvious but it really does, to me, being able to attend Chicon8 was monumental and life-changing and definitely changed how I engaged with the community and how it helped me become closer to it.”

If these stories have inspired you, please support us by donating to the Community Fund. All proceeds from this fund go directly to Community Fund applicants. Let’s keep helping others together!