Attending Press

Attending Press Policy

Glasgow 2024 will actively support members of the press and writers for online media who are covering our activities before, during, and after the convention. We aim to provide information about this convention specifically and about our Guests of Honour, Worldcon, and the Hugo Awards.

Please note, all interviews that we arrange for members of the press with our Guests of Honour or any other programme participants will be held on site at the convention and must be booked in advance. We regret that we are not able to arrange unscheduled interviews during the convention.

If you have any questions about any part of this policy, or any other press related queries, please contact the Glasgow 2024 press team at

Press Credentials and Press Passes

Press Credentials are given to regular (paying) convention members who are covering the convention for the press or online media as part of their attendance to identify them as press.

A Press Pass is a complimentary admission to the convention that includes the right to attend the convention for a limited time. Press Passes are given to working mainstream media to allow them to access and move around the convention site. Press Passes do not include any WSFS membership rights. Anyone qualifying for a Press Pass automatically gets Press Credentials. See below for more information on eligibility.

The only distinction between Press Credentials and a Press Pass is the complimentary admission. All members of the press are welcome to make use of the press services offered by the convention.

All members including press must abide by the Code of Conduct and permission must be sought for any photographs of members.

Applying for Press Accreditation

To apply for press accreditation, please fill in this application form. This form covers both Press Credentials and Press Passes. Please make sure you have read and understood all aspects of our Attending Press Policy, as set out on this page, before making an application.

Press Pass Eligibility

Press Passes are available solely for working press staff – defined as individuals employed by recognised professional mainstream media outlets such as television and radio stations, newspapers, and other forms of news coverage, who are on assignment from those outlets and who would not be attending the convention if their jobs did not require it. Working press staff includes immediate supporting and technical staff such as producers, photographers, camera operators, and sound personnel.

Press Passes are not issued to persons who are attending the convention in a personal capacity. Worldcon has a long tradition that all members of our community – fans, professionals, staff, and programme participants (save only our Guests of Honour) – pay for their memberships. Someone who is a member of the convention staff or who has accepted an invitation to be a programme participant is presumed to be attending the convention primarily in their personal capacity, not as a member of the working press. Similarly, staff from genre press publications and fannish news sources such as fanzines and web sites are not working press for the purposes of this policy and are expected to purchase a membership.

Privacy and Consent

During the convention (in-person and in online aspects), holders of press passes and credentials will be asked not to screenshot or publicly share any images or videos of people or conversations without their prior consent. Photographs of our Art Show may only be taken with express permission from the Art Show Director and the relevant artists. Photographs of our other exhibits may only be taken with express permission from our Press Office.

We ask all attending press to appreciate that our members are at the convention to socialise and enjoy themselves; this includes our professional attendees. Our press team will provide escorts to Press Pass holders to help you tour the convention and to answer questions about the event.