Social Media Blocking Policy

Social Media Blocking Policy

The decision to block any individual from our social media feeds is not something Glasgow 2024 would ever make lightly. However, there are instances where this course of action is necessary to provide our volunteers with a safe and supportive working environment, or to ensure virtual convention spaces remain a safe and welcoming space for all. Individuals may be blocked for the following reasons:

  • Breaking any element(s) of the CoC when engaging with the Social Media platforms (which are specifically designated as Event Venues specifically designated as Event Venues).
    This applies both to direct engagements with our social media accounts and to engagements with other users in virtual convention spaces.
  • Patterns of repeated disruptive or bad faith engagements with our social media accounts and/or other users in our virtual convention spaces.
  • Repetitive messaging engagements through social media rather than the appropriate channels for formal complaints, requests for information etc., once those channels have been made available to you and engaged with.

We will attempt to communicate with any individual if they violate this policy and again prior to formally blocking them.