Fan Tables

Fan Tables

Fan tables allow conventions, clubs and societies that involve fans on a non-commercial basis to promote themselves to fans attending the Worldcon. Fan Tables are actively staffed by their organisers during the convention.

NOTE: If you are looking to host an evening fan party, please see this page. Please note that you need to request party and table space separately.

Location and Hours

Fan Tables will be located in Hall 4, close to the doors to the Concourse and to the Party Tents. There are other displays and areas for activities such as food and bar service nearby. There is no charge for a single table to be staffed by the applicant for the full 5 days of the convention.

Fan Table opening hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday to Sunday and from 9a.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday. Outside of these hours Hall 4 will be open in the evenings for food and bar service and parties. The Hall will be secure from 2 a.m. to 9 a.m. daily.

Fan Table Allocation Update
Thanks to everyone who expressed interest in hosting a Fan Table. We are currently working to assign the available spaces. We hope to contact all applicants confirming the allocations by mid-July.

As of 14 June 2024 we had already received many more expressions of interest than we have tables available. We sent our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) to all those groups and requested more information by 30 June. We are currently working to assign the available spaces.

If you have not heard from us but would like to be considered for our waitlist, or have any questions relating to the Fan Tables or your application, please email us at

Confirmed Fan Tables

We are delighted to confirm that the following groups will be hosting fan tables at Glasgow 2024. (This list is up to date as of 3 July, 2024).

Worldcons and Worldcon Bids

Seattle Worldcon 2025
Montreal in 2027
Tel Aviv in 2027
Brisbane in 28
Kampcon in 2028
Dublin 2029

UK and European Conventions

Erasmuscon (Eurocon 2024)
Novacon 53 (2024)
Reconnect (Eastercon 2025)
Archipelacon 2 (Eurocon 2025)
World Fantasy Convention 2025
MetropolCon (2026)

Clubs, Groups and Organisations

The British Fantasy Society
British Science Fiction Association
The Center For Ray Bradbury Studies
Deep Space One
Finnish Fandom
Future Affairs Administration
The Heinlein Society
Lancaster University Dept of English Literature and Creative Writing
Milford SF Writers
Organization for Transformative Works
The Royal Manticoran Navy
Science Fiction Club Deutschland e.V.