Dartmoor Mythic Arts
by Guest of Honour Terri Windling
Close to the Memorial Garden (on the other side of the Memorial Tree) will be an exhibition I am curating on Dartmoor Mythic Arts. Dartmoor, in England’s West Country, is an ancient landscape steeped in myth, full of ghostly whist hounds, shapeshifting witch-hares, trolls who lurk under clapper bridges and faeries who dance among standing stones. This special landscape has attracted many writers and artists over the years, particularly artists inspired by folklore, fantasy, and faery lore.
My aim is to bring a bit of that magic up to Glasgow 2024!
When the good folks running Glasgow 2024 kindly offered me exhibition space in the convention centre, I knew at once that I didn’t want this space to showcase my art only. ‘Community’ is one of the themes of this convention, and it’s also a theme very close to my heart. All of my work–as a fantasy editor, writer, painter, and mythologist–is deeply rooted in two communities: the widespread, international SF/Fantasy community, and the local community of mythic artists in my small village on Dartmoor. The exhibition I’m putting together includes my own paintings and drawings, but also art by friends and neighbours– including illustrator and film designer Alan Lee (The Lord of the Rings), illustrators and film designers Brian and Wendy Froud (The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth), illustrator David Wyatt, and a number of other artists whose names might not be as well known but whose work is equally enchanting.
We are all inspired by the mythic landscape we share, but we express that inspiration in many different ways. I’m looking forward to sharing this art and this community with all of you.