CoC Violations: Methods of Reporting

CoC Violations: Methods of Reporting

What you are reading now is not the Code of Conduct (CoC).
It is one of a series of aids to learn more about CoC violation reporting.


There are a number of ways of submitting a report to the Listener team regarding a potential Code of Conduct (CoC) violation. While the report handling process does not change, there are a few things that may. 

Regardless of the contacts listed below, you can always send an email to to submit an initial report. If you send the email in addition to using one of the other methods, please let us know that you have done this so we can accurately link your initial reports. 

Reporting Methods (and expected response times)

LITRS portal (now available)

Once it is available in summer 2024, the preferred way to report a potential CoC violation will be through Listeners Incident Tracking and Reporting System (LITRS) .

Before the convention weekend

In person venue [Before]

  • Initial Listener response time goal: 36 hours.

During occasions prior to Glasgow 2024, you can speak to any convention representative, and they will ensure that you are directed to the best person present to take your initial report.

Online venue [Before]

  • Initial Listener response time goal: 36 hours.

In the event that an incident occurs while you are participating in an online forum that is sponsored by or branded as being an official online Occasion Venue for Glasgow 2024, you can reach out to a forum moderator, who will be able to either take your initial report or have a more appropriate person reach out to you to take a full report.

During the convention weekend

In person venue [During]

  • Initial Listener response time goal: 15 minutes.
    This may be slightly longer during BST overnight hours.

The Listener team will maintain a table in Hall 4 during the hours that space is open. If no one is there when you arrive, please either have a seat to wait, or contact a different Staff member, as below.

When Hall 4 is closed, you can reach out to any Convention Staff members (identifiable by their Staff) badges, or you can visit nearly any fixed station or table where you have previously seen Staff members, including Registration, Information, or Operations. Note that while there is no wrong place to begin, the Listeners team will be who responds to you, and so you may be offered a quiet place to wait until a they can respond.

If, for any reason, you are unable to go to any of these places, please consider a different method of reaching out to us (see below).

Online venue [During]

  • Initial Listener response time goal: 60 minutes. 

Pre-LITRS: We will post more details about the best way to make a report about incidents that occur in this medium closer to the convention, but email will always work for your initial report.

Post-LITRS: We will post more details about the best way to make a report about incidents that occur in this medium closer to the convention, but LITRS will always work for your initial report.

By phone [During]

  • Initial Listener response time goal: 15 minutes.
    This may be slightly longer during BST overnight. hours

During the convention, a phone number will be provided to all Members on the back of their badges. That number will be continuously monitored by the Listener team for the duration of the event. If there is no answer, you can text a request for a call. If these are not suitable for you, you can call Con Operations, whose number is also printed on the back of all badges. Call or message them and they will be able to contact the Listener teams on your behalf.

Note: Because CoC team members are located around the globe — and all have responsibilities having nothing to do with the convention — phone access will only be available during the convention itself. We cannot guarantee that the Listener’ phone will be available for reporting before August 7 or after August 13.

After the convention weekend

  • Initial Listener response time goal: 
    • 48 hours between Closing Ceremonies’ end until 12:00 BST on August 18; and then
    • 72 hours until 12:00 BST on September 30.

Activities that take place within the CoC’s jurisdiction can and will be enforced to the best of our abilities, even though those abilities are severely curtailed in the first few days after the convention as Members of the Listener team close out their responsibilities and travel (in some cases internationally) back home.

We do understand that making a report can be very hard to do, so we want to give you as much time as you might need, but we also need to balance that need against the Team Members’ need to work on other commitments. Therefore initial reports will continue to be accepted until September 30. After that, the Listener team can be available only on a sporadic basis. Please contact the convention and they will be able to reach out to us faster than standard methods.

Anonymous reporting

While we cannot follow up an anonymous initial report with you directly, we will make every attempt to fully investigate and take whatever actions are necessary to prevent a recurrence.

Not Recommended: Other Reporting Methods

No matter when or where you witness a potential violation of the Glasgow 2024 CoC, you are always encouraged to report it in the methods listed above. Before the convention begins, other methods may not be as effective. Here are a few possible methods and why to not use them.

It takes hundreds of volunteers to make a Worldcon happen, but only a small fraction of these individuals have any experience with Listener or CoC topics. In addition, most Volunteers do not have any means of getting additional help for you. Please only reach out to Team Members with Staff badges or, in the case of the Online Convention, to the moderators there.

Except for reporting to moderators on the Glasgow 2024 Discord server, please don’t make your initial (nor follow-up) reports on social media. Some of the reasons for this advice includes:

  • Our CoC and Listener teams are not ordinarily able to actively monitor any social media channels, including the convention Discord server.
  • Communications via social media outlets do not comply with our privacy protection requirements, and we can not respond to you with any level of detail for this same reason.
  • The CoC team has no access to any Glasgow 2024 social media channels, except as personal users, meaning we would not be able to respond in any official fashion.
  • Because of the on-site team’s responsibilities, even public messages might not be seen by the CoC team until it was hours, days, or even weeks too late to help.
    • Please note that reports made through moderators on the convention-run Discord servers can take your information and it will get to us in a more timely fashion.