Art Show – Iain Clark

Shipbuilding Over The Clyde
Shipbuilding Over The Clyde
Iain Clark
Iain Clark

Iain Clark

Iain is an artist working in a variety of materials, primarily acrylics.

He has twice won the BSFA Best Artwork Award award (for “Shipbuilding Over The Clyde” in 2020, and for “Glasgow Green Woman” in 2021); both pieces were created for the Glasgow 2024 Worldcon. He has been a finalist for the Best Fan Artist Hugo Award each year from 2020 to 2024 inclusive.

For the Dublin 2019 Worldcon he created artworks including the cover of the Souvenir Book, and for Glasgow 2024 his art is appearing on banners, adverts, postcards, campaigns and t-shirts.

Iain Clark in the Wild