Smuzz – A sketch in time-sensitive materials
As we imprison more people for asking the British government to tell the truth about turning the planet into an oven for short-term profit – what to draw? Apparently, cover paintings of mythical dragons, illustrations of non-existent robots and comic strips about imaginary spaceships. That’s me.
SO: Here’s some drawings and paintings of things that don’t exist. Some covers for magazines, some from comics or books I’ve edited/written for. Past employers include Rebellion, Games Workshop, Interzone, Marvel, Cosmic Lion, Shift and ‘Strip’. I’ve also done political cartooning and newspaper strips but publications die. Some things have gotten awards. A lot of art here’s “for fun”… because fun’s so clearly what Homo Sapiens are determined to fill the world with.
My website is woefully out of date whilst I waste time planting trees. My vivacious wife, Eira, is very patient with the mud.
With delicious irony, the Facebook page for ‘Smuzz’ has, due to a link to Elvis Costello’s video for ‘What’s so funny about love, peace and understanding’, been permanently banned for ‘Hatespeak’. The art and sarky comments remain.
Included in this display is a book If I Had A Dog. A celebration of childhood, imagination, friendship, wonder and love, SOME SF images are there (along with Albrecht Durer) but nothing to frighten the hearses.
Have a nice day. Join XR or JSO and have an adventure saving the world. We’re the only aliens that can do that job.