Vanessa Applegate – Batmoon Studio
Vanessa Applegate, aka Nessa, aka Vanecessary Evil, is a neurospicy multi-media artist working among the towering redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains, California. Her work has ranged from wood carving and pyrography to acrylic pouring, and includes flat and 3D painting, sculpting, photography, millinery, embroidery, fiber arts and illustration. Aka: Anything she can get her hands on for as long as it can hold her attention. Her most recent work has delved into creating poured planets, digital illustration, and jewelry. Her drawn works have been featured as covers for Journey Planet, Claims Department, and The Drink Tank, and she has created interior art for lulzine. She is a 2022 Hugo award nominee for Best Fanzine as an editor of Journey Planet. She manages all this while working in the dental field, coordinating emergency response, wrangling a twin-nado, being loved by two aggressively snuggly cats, and staying married to a muppet.