Glasgow 2024 Publications
We created a variety of digital and physical publications for Glasgow 2024 during the two year run-up to the convention, and for special events at the convention itself,
- Progress Reports have been made available here as they are published and sent out to members. They contain interesting tidbits about the guests, what will be happening at the convention and entertaining articles about fandom in Scotland.
- The Souvenir Book (see below) was made available at the convention for pick up by those who are attending. Other members can download a digital version with a choice of low or medium resolution graphics.
- The Convention Guide is a digital publication sent to members with descriptions of the programme items as well as an overview of the convention.
- At the convention we creatied booklets and playbills for our major events. These are available for download in PDF format.
- Hugo Award Ceremony Booklet (5 MB)
- Worldcon Philharmonic Orchestra Playbill (2 MB)
- Morrow’s Isle Opera Playbill (2 MB).
- After the convention, there will be a book of the Art and Artistry of Glasgow 2024 that will showcase all the amazing art that was seen at the convention as well as during the bid process.
Souvenir Book
Our 164-page Souvenir Book is freely available in digital format, in two resolutions. The Souvenir Book cover features an original piece of art, “Waiting”, by Guest of Honour Chris Baker a.k.a. Fangorn.
- Low resolution file (easier download, convenient for reading) – 12 MB
- Medium resolution file (better quality graphics) – 22 MB

Advertising with Glasgow 2024
We will be including some adverts for fan activities for free where space allows in our Progress Reports. If you are interested, please contact if you have any queries or interest.
Our rate card for adverts in our Souvenir Book is now available (PDF). There are also opportunities to advertise in at-con publications such as the Masquerade and Hugo booklets.