WSFS Site Selection
The LA in 2026 bid received 452 out of 531 votes cast. There were 19 ineligible preferences and 0 votes for None of the Above. The full voting breakdown is available below.
Full details on LAcon V, as the event will be known, are available from their website The convention will be held on August 27th to 31st, 2026 at the Anaheim Convention Center and the Hilton Anaheim and Anaheim Marriott hotels in Anaheim, California, a suburb of Los Angeles. It is the fifth Worldcon convention to bear the “LAcon” name, the most recent having been held at the same location in 2006.
Full voting statistics can be downloaded in PDF format.
Full details on LAcon V are available from their website:

Note: the remainder of this page has been left online for information only as the Site Selection process is now complete.
Worldcon sites are selected two years in advance, by a secret ballot of WSFS members. This includes all full Adult, Young Adult and Teen Attending members, Online Members with bundled WSFS Memberships, and WSFS Members of Glasgow 2024.
Note that there is no minimum age to participate in Site Selection, so long as you are a natural person (i.e. a real individual rather than an organisation, soft toy etc) and hold a WSFS Membership. A full list of all membership categories can be found on the memberships page.
How to Vote
Glasgow 2024 WSFS Members who wish to vote in Site Selection need to purchase an Advance WSFS Membership in the 2026 Worldcon, at a cost of £45.00 (GBP). All members who pay this fee will automatically become WSFS Members of the 2026 Worldcon, regardless of who they vote for (or indeed if they vote at all). All Advance WSFS Membership fees received by Glasgow for the 2026 Worldcon will be passed on to the successful candidate.
There are three ways for you to vote in Site Selection:
- We have partnered with Election Buddy, a leading provider of secure voting solutions, to enable easy online voting for Site Selection this year. Full information on how to vote online is provided below. This is the quickest and simplest way to pay your fee and submit your site selection ballot.
- Attending Members can vote in person at Glasgow 2024, until the Site Selection desk closes at Noon on Saturday, 10th August.
- You can also submit a printed ballot by postal mail. If you wish to use this option, please contact us at All postal ballots must reach us by Thursday, 1st August.
Voting Online
To vote online in WSFS Site selection you will need to:
- Login via the unique link which is emailed to you when you sign in using your email address and ticket number on
- Click on the “Available Actions” tab
- Click on “Worldcon Site Selection” – and “Pay for Site Selection – this will take an electronic payment for £45.00 using Stripe
If you need help with steps 1-3, please refer to this PDF walkthrough of the fee payment process - You will then receive an email from who are managing the voting process for us. The email will provide detailed instructions allowing you to vote electronically on their site. Please note that the Election Buddy database is updated manually and it may take up to three days for your ballot information to be sent to you once you have paid your voting fee.
For assistance with this step, please refer to this PDF walkthrough of the voting process.
Note that you must have a WSFS Membership of Glasgow 2024 BEFORE you can vote in Site Selection. You cannot buy a Glasgow membership at the same time as the Site Selection fee. Information on how to join Glasgow 2024 can be found here.
If you have any questions or problems with the Site Selection process, you can email the Site Selection Administrator at
Filed Bids for the 2026 Worldcon
Los Angeles (LA) in 2026 is the sole bidder to host the 84th Worldcon in 2026. The required documentation was submitted to Glasgow’s Site Selection Administrator on 2 February 2024 by the LA in 2026 Bid Committee. The LA in 2026 website can be found at

The proposed dates are August 27 to August 31, at the Anaheim Convention Centre and Anaheim Hilton. The Bid Chair and proposed Convention Chair is Joyce Lloyd.
- Official Bid Filing Letter
- Confirmation of Booking with the Anaheim Convention Centre
- Confirmation of Booking with the Anaheim Hilton
Site Selection Process and Rules
The Site Selection process is governed by Article 4 of the WSFS Constitution. Section 4.6 defines the requirements for a bidder to be included on the Site Selection ballot. There are two key requirements:
- The bidding committee must submit file certain documents with the administering committee no later than 180 days before the start of the administering convention (in this case Glasgow 2024). For 2026, this filing deadline was 18 February, 2024. In line with article 4.6.1 of the WSFS Constitution, bidders need to submit documents showing (a) their intent to bid, (b) evidence of an agreement with the proposed facilities, and (c) the rules under which their Worldcon Committee will operate if elected.
- The proposed site must be at least five hundred (500) miles or eight hundred (800) kilometres from the site at which selection occurs (in this case, Glasgow, UK).
Any group that meets the technical requirements in the WSFS Constitution and files the necessary documents with the administering Worldcon may bid for the right to host a Worldcon.
Any Questions
Any questions about the Site Selection process can be emailed to the Site Selection Administrator at