Issue 1

Issues of The Unicorn will be available in a variety of formats. They will have the same content, please use the format you feel most comfortable with.

Unicorn Issue 1 – Text version

Worldcon begins

It’s Thursday, the convention has just begun and we’re already worn out… Pace yourselves, eat regularly and get enough sleep.

Pick up your badges from Registration in the Concourse.

Volunteers desk is in Hall 4

View from the Crowne Plaza

Bag checks

Yes, we were surprised too.

The SEC first mentioned them on Tuesday morning.

Please cooperate with the bag-checkers and open your bags in advance. If you make their lives difficult then everyone suffers.

Bag checking

Be Aware!

The SEC is required by law to be very strict about room capacity and crowds that may impair everyone’s ability to exit in case of an emergency.

Meeting rooms and the exhibition halls will have SEC stewards at the entrances.  They will be in a uniform, with a white shirt and blue and red striped tie, with or without a blue jacket or cardigan.

Please keep in mind the following:

Standing in the back of a meeting room is not allowed unless a steward has given permission.

If an event is labeled as being for those 18 or over, the steward may request proof of age if there is any question.  Even if accompanied by a parent, those under 18 will not be admitted.

Do not linger in the doorway to see if a panel is interesting.  Please move into the room and find a seat.  The steward at the door will remind you to please take a seat. 

If the steward says the room is full, please find another event to attend.

If a steward asks you to move along, please do so promptly, as you may be creating a choke point in the traffic flow.

Short version

Don’t overcrowd the rooms. 

Please cooperate with the SEC stewards if they ask you to move.

Be sensible.

Setting up in Hall 5

Food onsite

We have several food trucks in Hall 4

The Clydebuilt bar by the front entrance

The Mariner in the Crowne Plaza

Send us (short) reviews

Batmobiles in Hall 4

Drinks onsite

Real Ale in the Argyll Suite (Crowne Plaza) at the Fan & Fishlifter

Beer available from the Clydebuilt Bar on the Concourse Water available from hydration stations at East entrance and Registration

Clydebuilt Bar in the Concourse

Bus onsite

Need to reduce your walking between the SEC Centre and the Multi Storey Car Park and east side hotels?

Look for Gus the Bus!

This free wheelchair-accessible service, provided by the SEC, runs throughout the day.


There’s a raffle every evening for volunteers – 4 hours work gets you a ticket.

If you have a MIMO hi-vis jacket, please return it until Move Out

Display in Hall 4


Sunflower stickers are available from the desk in Hall 4

We only printed 400 hard-copy programmes. Please only take one if you need it.


Registration will be open up until Monday from 09:00 until 19:00

On Monday Registration will be open from 10:00 until 14:00

Hugo Nominees at Levitation


Photos by Steve Davies, Esther McCallum-Stewart, Glasgow photo pool

Unicorn logo by Sue Mason

Many thanks to JT for technical wizardry and all-around good sense

Thanks to Paul and Meredith for help with accessibility – email us if the alt text is missing