The Unicorn Issue 6


Accessibility have lots of hard copy versions of the con guide at their desk. Come and pick one up or they go in the trash!

Last train from Exhibition Centre Station on Sunday is 21:00. Maybe book a cab.

Contact smofbabe at if you are interested in attending a reading of Eicha for Tisha B’Av on Monday at 21:00.

John Scalzi signing books at Glasgow 2024

More Bag Check

The queue for the Hugos will be outside the Armadillo and it may get cold so wrap up warm.

Leave your bag behind if you can to avoid the bag check.

Do not try to make jokes with the bag checkers. Really. We already had one person banned from the SEC over this and we do not need more.

Two fans at the Who Timey masked dance ball

Listen Up!

The SEC is required by law to be very strict about room capacity and crowds that may impair everyone’s ability to exit in case of an emergency.

Meeting rooms and the exhibition halls will have SEC stewards at the entrances.  They will be in a uniform, with a white shirt and blue and red striped tie, with or without a blue jacket or cardigan.

Listen Up! (2)

Please keep in mind the following:

•Standing in the back of a meeting room is not allowed unless a steward has given permission.

•If an event is labelled as being for those 18 or over, the steward may request proof of age if there is any question.  Even if accompanied by a parent, those under 18 will not be admitted.

•Do not linger in the doorway to see if a panel is interesting.  Please move into the room and find a seat.  The steward at the door will remind you to please take a seat. 

•If the steward says the room is full, please find another event to attend.

•If a steward asks you to move along, please do so promptly, as you may be creating a choke point in the traffic flow.

Listen Up! (short version)

Don’t overcrowd the rooms.

Please cooperate with the SEC stewards if they ask you to move.

Be sensible.

Get there as early as you can! Even panellists are being turned away.

The City of Angels pipe band playing bagpipes

Fan Funds Auction

The Fan Funds Auction on Saturday night made a record-breaking £4,420.20 for fannish good causes.

Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki and Tendai Huchu at the 2024 Nommo Awards.

Programme Change

Monday 11:30 String Theory Made Easy has been moved to online only.


There were 29 entries this year, with 18 novices (more than we’ve had for quite a while).

Performances should be available on catchup.

Sabine Furlong dressed as My Star Trek Activity Book for the Glasgow 2024 Masquerade.

Kerttu Vähänen in the Glasgow 2024 Masquerade as Fern Calloway.

Holly Swinyard, Best in Show, wearing a golden postman’s cap for their entry ‘Lipwig for your life’ at the Glasgow 2024 Masquerade.

Masquerade – Workmanship

More pictures on Flickr!

Sanna Bo Claumarch wearing an embroidered black costume for the Glasgow 2024 Masquerade.

Miri Baker as Abhorsen Lirael and wearing a red costume with bells in her award-winning entry for the Glasgow 2024 Masquerade.

Masquerade – Presentation

More photos on Flickr


A reminder that the cheapest beer at the convention is probably from the Fan and Fishlifter (Argyll Suite).

A selection of excellent Kelburn Brewing Co. beers at £6 a pint (but, alas, not including Dark Moor which ran out on the first day).

Scientists at the exhibit in Hall 4.

Site Selection

A hard-fought victory for L.A. in 2026 who won the right to hold the 84th World Science Fiction Convention with a mere 452 out of 531 votes cast.

Full voting breakdown available in the Business Meeting minutes.

See for details.

A group of fans sitting around a table in Hall 4 with Charles Stross.

In Conclusion

The Committed Traveller award goes to one intrepid member who has finally made it to Glasgow on Sunday morning after multiple route cancellations and thirty hours of travelling.


Thanks to Steve Davies, all the Glasgow photo pool, Sean Berry, Effy, Rebecca Montgomery & Mike Scott.

Unicorn logo by Sue Mason.

Thanks to Shana and Kate for going above and beyond the call of duty in services to members of the newsletter staff.