Online Convention FAQ

Online Convention and Member Portal FAQ

This page has answers to many FAQs (frequently asked questions) about the online convention and how to use the member portal.

Table of Contents

What devices can access RCE during the convention?

Device and browser compatibility information for RingCentral Events (RCE) can be found here.

Do I need video to attend panels?

No. For items on Stages (Events, Speeches and Panels) you do not need a camera. Just click on the link to view.

For items in Sessions (Meet-ups a Gatherings), you will probably need a camera in order to interact properly with the other people in the session. But the system will not insist on this, and you can use microphone only if you need to.

What sorts of virtual spaces are there at Glasgow Worldcon?

The member portal contains links to:

  • Discord: Chat with other members about the con, fandom, and the programme in text-based chat rooms.
  • RingCentral Events (RCE): Watch events and panels on Stages, join in with interactive items such as Meetups and Gatherings in Sessions using video and audio, and get help via a video call in the Office.
  • Convention Schedule: A digital programme guide that is automatically kept up-to-date.
  • And many other useful resources for your at-con experience, whether you are online or in-person.

Can I comment on panels and discussions?

For panels that are streamed in an RCE Stage, there will be a link in the side panel to a Discord thread for discussion. You can use @panel to address a question to the panel, which the Speaker for Online may then put to the panel, at the discretion of the Panel Moderator.

For online workshops, tabletalks, meetups, gatherings and other socials, there is a chat function within the RCE Sessions.

Do I need a Discord account?

Discord is not required to watch panel streams or attend sessions in RCE, though it is required to chat in panels.

Creating a Discord account is free. You can log into Discord by following the link in the Portal if you do not already have one.

How do I find the panels I want to attend?

You can build a schedule using the digital programme guide, or in RCE in its native schedule function.

Can I watch an event using my computer and listen using my phone?

Yes, RCE allows you to be logged in on multiple devices.  Please be careful about sound loops when you connect multiple devices to the same social session.  Try to use the same device to both listen to and send sound.

I am on-site at the convention. Can I use online resources?

Yes. Online is not just for online members. All in-person members have the same access to all of our online resources, but will have to provide their own device (phone, tablet or computer). In particular, people on-site may want to use the digital programme guides, Discord chat, etc.

I’m an Attending or Online member or ticket holder and want to login to the member portal

Go to and follow the instructions. It also has a link to more detailed instructions, both written and video, walking you
through the process.

I am under 16. Can I use the member portal?

Under 16s cannot join the Discord, RingCentral Events, or log in to the member portal. However, they can click the “Continue without logging in” link on the login screen to access the unrestricted resources such as the digital programme guide, site maps and other useful information.

I’m an Attending or Online member or ticket holder and I want to join the Discord

Once you are logged in to the portal, click the “Chat” card, then click the “Join the Discord” button. On that same page you will find both written instructions and a video walking you through the process.

When will RingCentral Events open?

Programming is scheduled to begin on Thursday, August 8 at 10.00 a.m. BST.

I’m an Attending or Online member or ticket holder and I want to go to RingCentral Events

Once you are logged in to the portal, click the “Stream and Replay” card, then click the “Go to RingCentral Events” button.

I’m an Attending or Online member or ticket holder and I want to watch a panel or event online

You can get to a panel stream either through the digital programme guide ConClár or directly from RingCentral Events.

To go via the schedule, find the item you are interested in, expand the item by clicking on it, and then click the “Watch the stream” link.

To go from within RingCentral Events, click on the Stages tab on the left side / bottom of the screen, and pick a room to watch.

Note that not all rooms at the convention have the facility to be streamed, and not all items in the rooms that ARE set up for streaming WILL actually be streamed. Please check the online programme carefully for details.

AI-generated closed captioning/subtitles will be available for all Stages if you are using Google Chrome on Desktop.

I’m an Attending or Online member or ticket holder and I want to join a Meet-Up, Gathering, Table Talk or other Online Social

You can get to an item or event either through the digital programme guide or directly from RingCentral Events.

To go via the programme guide, find the item you are interested in, expand the item by clicking on it, and then click the “Join the session” link.

From within RingCentral Events, click on the Sessions tab on the left side / bottom of the screen, and pick the item or event you want to join.

AI-generated closed captioning/subtitles will be available for all Sessions..

I’m an Attending or Online member or ticket holder and I want to watch a replay

You can get to the reply for an  item or event either through the digital programme guide or directly from RingCentral Events.

To go via the programme guide, find the item you are interested in, expand the item by clicking on it, and then click the “Watch the replay” link.

From within RingCentral Events, click on the Replay tab on the left side / bottom of the screen, and pick the item or event you want to join.

Replays will not be available immediately, but we aim to get them up within a few hours of the item.

Note that not all items that are streamed may be available for replay. Check the Programme listing for details.

How long will the replays be available

Replays will be available for viewing until 31st December 2024.

I’m a member and I want to view the Online Newsletter 

Glasgow 2024 will not have a paper newsletter at con, as part of our commitment to reducing the environmental impact of the convention. Instead, there will be a rotating display of the latest updates in the portal.

I’m an Attending or Online member or ticket holder and I need some Help.

  • There will be a physical Info Desk at the convention in Hall 4 of the SEC, near the 4A entrance.
  • Or you can use the #help-desk channel in the Discord
  • Or you can go to

Try to use the Help Desk appropriate for your query, but if you’re not sure, we will happily redirect you.

I’m on an in-person panel but I need to join the item via online.

Log in to, after login you will see your dashboard listing the items that you are participating in. To join one as a participant click the join link to the right of the item title. Please join your Zoom session at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start time, and report to the Online host, who will provide any help you need to join Zoom so AV/Tech can display you on the screen behind the in-person panellists.

I’m on an online only panel and I need to join the item 

Log in to Planorama to see see your dashboard listing the items that you are participating in. To join one as a participant click the join link to the right of the item title. Please join your Streamyard session at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start time, and report to the Online Panel Wrangler, who will provide any help you need so you can be added to the audio/video feed for the panel.

I want to join an interactive session (Meet Up or Gathering)

Once you are logged in to the portal, click the “Stream and Replay” card, then click the “Go to RingCentral Events” button. This takes you into RingCentral and then you can choose “Sessions”. Some sessions will be permanently open, others will only appear in the Sessions list from 15 minutes before the item starts. Double click on the session to join it.

I want to watch an interactive session, but not participate myself.

Navigate to the session in the portal as usual (see previous question). Click on the session once, rather than twice. This will display the session to you, but not join it. Note that by doing this, you do not count against the maximum number of participants for the panel, which is usually 50.

I would like to run a Gathering not already in the Online Programme.

Please submit the request on this Google Form. Please give as much notice as possible. You will be given the moderator role/responsibility for the session.

I would like to watch the Hugo Awards Ceremony

There are four different ways to watch the Hugo Awards Ceremony on the Saturday evening of the convention:

  • In person at the con, in the Clyde Auditorium.
  • On our YouTube channel (this will be a public stream available to everyone). We will announce the exact location on Social Media prior to the Ceremony.
  • In RingCentral Events, on the stage for the Clyde Auditorium.
  • There will be an option to have human-generated captioning/subtitles for the Hugo Awards ceremony (and some other key events). Alternatively, there is also a secondary stage in RingCentral Events which will have the feed for British Sign Language for the Hugo Awards. Information about how to use Artificial Intelligence-generated captions, Human-generated live captions, and how to view events with British Sign Language interpretation can be found here.

I need more help

Submit a support request or email