

A number of Awards were presented by or at Glasgow 2024. Here is a summary … check out the linked pages for full details.

Several awards were presented during the Opening Ceremony on Thursday, 8th August:

The Masquerade judges presented awards for workmanship and presentation at the Masquerade on Saturday night, 10th August.

The Hugo Award Winners were announced at the Hugo Award Ceremony on Sunday night, 11th August.

The Art Show presented Art Show Awards in a number of categories.

The African Speculative Fiction Society (ASFS) announced the winners for the 2024 Nommo Awards.

The convention also hosted the presentation of the Sidewise Awards for Alternate History.

Finally, the Aldiss family announced the creation of the Aldiss Award in partnership with the British Science Fiction Association (BSFA), British Fantasy Society (BFS), and the Association for UK Interactive Entertainment (UKIE). The award will be given annually to acknowledge cultural artefacts (literature and gaming) specifically for their efforts in world building in the science fiction & fantasy genre. Submissions are now invited for the first award which will be presented in Autumn 2025 for work first published in 2024.