Masquerade Awards

Masquerade Awards

We thank the entrants, staff and judges for creating a great Masquerade this year! Awards were presented by the judges as follows.

Workmanship Awards

  • Best in Show – Holly Swinyard – Lipwig For Your Life – Open (Master)
  • Best in Class Open (Master) – Holly Swinyard – Lipwig for your life
  • Best in Class (Journeyman) – Sanna Bo Claumarch – Dongfang Qingcang
  • Best in Class (Novice) – Histeremix by Liz C. Bragg
  • Fire Savings Award for Attention to Detail – The Princess Bride by Emma Conliffe
  • The Sheer Amount of Detail Award – ari widdes by Emily Kaldwin
  • Animal Companion Award – Scar Ward by Elspeth Ryan
  • The Most Delightful Accessary – Chef Punk by Linda Van De Pal
  • Best Peel of Bells – Abhorsen Lirael by Miri Baker
  • The Metalwork and Leather award – Tayen Anaiwah, the Ghost of the North by Maya Dubno
  • For Perfecting her Head – Ready Q Lane by Jillian De Man
    Holly Swinyard – Lipwig For Your Life (Best in Show – Workmanship)

    Presentation Awards

    Young Fan

    • King Dice by William Sangster Morris

    Novice Division

    • Commendation for Dramatic Ending – Emily Kaldwin – Dishonored 2 by Ari Widdes
    • Commendation for Research Dedication – Camina Drummer – The Expanse TV adaption by Courtney Hogan
    • Commendation for Timeey-Wimeynes – The TARDIS by Entity McSweeney
    • Commendation for Recreation – Zelda by Andi Jackson
    • Commendation for Most Graceful Performance – The Mermaid (and her Jellyfish)
    • Best in division – Most Humorous – Ready Q Lane by Jillian De Man
    • Best in Division – Recreation – Shrek by pep Burillo
    • Best in Division Novice – Tie – Tick Tock Award – Historemix by Liz C. Bragg tied with Stede Bonnet by Mel Grebing

    Journeyman Division

    • Best in Division – Most Humorous – Rodents of Unusual Size (Rous) Award – The Princess Bride – The fire swamp!  By Emma Cunliffe
    • Best in Division Journeyman – Dongfang Quigcang by Sanna Bo Claumarch

    Open (Master) Division

    • Best in Division Most Humorous for Interaction with Prop – My Star Trek Activity Book by Sabine Furlong
    • Best in Division Master Abhorsen Lirael by Miri Baker
    • Best in Show – Lipwig for your Life by Holly Swinyard
    Best in Division, Master – Abhorsen Lirael by Miri Baker