About Glasgow 2024

Chair’s Welcome – Meet our chair, Esther MacCallum-Stewart, and read about her vision for the convention

This section includes information about Glasgow 2024 and about Worldcons in general. Learn what a Worldcon is, and find out more about the vision for Glasgow 2024 and the team running it. There’s also important policy information.


Mythic Beasts

We are grateful to Mythic Beasts for their generous support in hosting the Glasgow 2024 web site.

Our thanks

We are grateful to so many people for their work on the Glasgow in 2024 bid, and on the convention going forward to August 2024. In particular, we would like to mention:

  • Our wonderful artists Sara Felix and Iain J. Clark for all of the work they gave in support of the bid, and continue to give to Glasgow 2024.
  • Lola at ThirdVaultYarns for her enthusiasm and support, and most of all for her amazing Alba Aether yarn.
  • Craig and Noru Ines at Pixel Spirits
  • Aileen Crawford, Head of Conventions at Glasgow Convention Bureau
  • Alan at House of Tartan
  • Glasgow 2024 Presents’ continuing content wouldn’t be possible without the many creators who’ve given their time and energy. To everyone who’s taken part and those still to come, we salute you.

About this site

  • This site is built and maintained by the Glasgow 2024 Technical Web Team:
    • Current members: Paul Taylor, Karina Steffens, and Cheryl Harding
    • Past members: Fionna O’Sullivan, Nadav Almog, and Nate Hoffelder
  • The website content is managed by Colin Harris
  • The blog is managed by the Glasgow 2024 Promotions Blog Team:
    • Fabienne Schwizer, Robert Berg, James Michael Hughes, Anna Milon, Powder Scofield
  • Our thanks to all of them, and to the many people behind them providing information, images and support