Landing Zone Glasgow - The Glasgow 2024 Blog

“The Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and his companion Clara (Jenna Coleman) stand next to a blue police box.”

Glasgow in Doctor Who

Happy Doctor Who 60th Anniversary from Glasgow 2024! Nicholas Whyte, an avid Whovian and member of the Glasgow 2024 convention committee, scoured hours and hours of Doctor Who (and spinoffs) footage and found many mentions of Glasgow throughout Time and Space. From Classic Who to New Who, Sarah Jane Adventures, and Torchwood even, we have […]

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A stuffed armadillo toy made of purple, green, blue, cream, and silver Landing Zone Glasgow tartan fabric is pictured facing forward.

How to Make a Tartan Armadillo—or Any Soft Toy—without a Pattern

My method for making things without patterns regularly flummoxes people, but I thought I’d have a go at writing it down. The SEC Armadillo building is our amazing Glasgow 2024 venue. Because of this, the armadillo is one of our mascots. So, obviously, we needed a tartan armadillo! The first step is to analyse the

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Landing Zone Glasgow Tartan – Sharing the Joy of Glasgow 2024

Tartan is a traditional Scottish pattern that comprises two or more differently coloured stripes. Historically, tartan wool clothing was worn by Scottish Highlanders, with particular designs to distinguish each clan. The wool was spun and dyed locally, and then woven and fashioned into kilts and other designs. Nowadays, there are thousands of officially registered tartans,

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A screenshot of the Glasgow 2024 'Memberships and Tickets' webpage. A blue button which reads 'Register Now' is circled in red.

Worldcon How-To: How to Buy Your Worldcon Membership

So you’ve made the decision to attend Glasgow 2024, A Worldcon for Our Futures, but haven’t quite taken the plunge and bought your membership. We understand that the process of buying memberships can be somewhat confusing, so we have created a five-step guide of the purchasing process. Step 1: Visit the ‘Memberships and Tickets’ page

Worldcon How-To: How to Buy Your Worldcon Membership Read More »