Memberships and Tickets

Glasgow 2024 Memberships & Tickets

Log In (Existing Members)

There are two options for logging in to the membership portal.

Click here to be emailed a link to log into your registration record. (Requires email address and ticket number.)

Click here to log in with your email address or user name and password.

The remainder of this page has been left here for information only as the convention is now over. We are no longer selling tickets or memberships.

If you are new to Worldcon, welcome!

We offer a number of ways to attend Glasgow 2024, a Worldcon for Our Futures, from a full five-day in person experience, to an online experience, to visiting for a single day. If you are attending a Worldcon in person for the first time, the Adult Attending First Worldcon discounted membership is designed for you. We do know that the membership options can be confusing. If you have any questions, please email us at

You will see the WSFS acronym a lot on our pages. This stands for the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society that authorizes Worldcon and administers the Hugo Awards.

You will also see WSFS rights mentioned often. WSFS members have rights related to Hugo Award nominations and voting, Site Selection for the 2026 Worldcon, and participation in the Business Meeting. These rights are detailed more thoroughly in the Registration FAQ.

Membership vs Tickets

Worldcon is a convention for members of the World Science Fiction Society (WSFS). Anyone can become a member by simply purchasing a WSFS Membership for £45. Glasgow 2024, A Worldcon for Our Futures, will be selling both Memberships (that give the holder the WSFS rights which may include attendance rights) and Tickets (that only give the holder the right to attend the convention in some limited fashion, i.e., either as a Child/Infant or for a particular day).

There are five main ways to experience the convention:

  1.  In-person attending members may attend all onsite events for the full convention period. This membership includes all WSFS rights. You will also have access to the convention’s online offering.
  2. Day Tickets allow you to attend in person for a single day (or multiple days, if you purchase multiple tickets). They do not include any WSFS rights.
  3. Online Membership allows you to attend all online offerings. This includes WSFS rights.
  4. Online Tickets allow you to attend all online offerings. They do not include any WSFS rights.
  5. WSFS-only Membership gives you WSFS rights, but does not include the right to participate in any convention activities. This type of membership can be upgraded to one of the other types with an additional payment.

In-person attendance

5-Day Attending Memberships come in two parts, and you must buy both to attend:

  1. A WSFS Membership is fixed at £45 and gives the holder WSFS rights.
  2. An Attending Membership Supplement that allows the member to attend in person and have access to the online offerings. See the tables below for rates.

The WSFS Membership is non-transferable, but the Attending Membership Supplement is fully transferable—you can sell it to someone else or give it away.

Attending Membership Supplements and Tickets for Glasgow 2024 are divided into five categories based on the calendar year in which you were born:

  1. Attending Adult Membership: for those aged 26 or older at the start of 2024, i.e., born before 1998.
  2. Attending Young Adult Membership: for those aged 16 to 25 at the start of 2024, i.e., born 1998 – 2007.
  3. Attending Teen Membership: for those aged 11 to 15 at the start of 2024, i.e., born 2008 – 2012.
  4. Attending Child Ticket (Does not require purchase of a WSFS Membership): for those aged 6 to 10 at the start of 2024, i.e., born 2013 – 2017.
  5. Attending Infant Ticket (Does not require purchase of a WSFS Membership): for those aged 0 to 5 at the start of 2024, i.e., born 2018 or later.

Online Attendance

Online Memberships and Tickets are available now, and you can find more information on our Online Convention page.

Not sure whether you can attend at all?

If you are not yet sure whether you can attend, we are also offering WSFS-only memberships for £45, open to Adults, Young Adults, and Teens. These were formerly called ‘Supporting Memberships’, and will give you WSFS rights.

Apocryphal Badges

Is your service dog pining for their very own Worldcon badge? Would your shoulder dragon look even cooler with a badge? Have you named your mobi? Would you like a badge for your nifty hat? Apocryphal badges are available for a mere £5.

Membership Rates

The table below shows the membership rates for each type of membership.

Note that if you choose to purchase the appropriate Attending Supplement type in our registration system, the WSFS membership will be automatically added to your cart to complete your membership.

If you already have a WSFS Membership, you can upgrade to an Attending Membership at any time by purchasing the relevant Attending Supplement.

Membership TypeWSFS
Adult Attending – Regular£45.00£185.00£230.00
Adult Attending – First Worldcon£45.00£120.00£165.00
Adult Attending – Historically Underrepresented£45.00£120.00£165.00
Adult Attending – Scottish Resident£45.00£105.00£150.00
Young Adult Attending
(For those aged 16 to 25 at the start of 2024, i.e., born 1998 – 2007)
Young Adult Attending – Scottish Resident
(For those aged 16 to 25 at the start of 2024, i.e., born 1998 – 2007)
Teen Attending
(For those aged 11 to 15 at the start of 2024, i.e., born 2008 – 2012)
Child Attending Ticket
(For those aged 6 to 10 at the start of 2024, i.e., born 2013 – 2017)
Infant Attending Ticket
(For those aged 0 to 5 at the start of 2024, i.e., born 2018 or later)
Online Attending Membership
(For those aged 16 or older at the start of 2024, i.e., born in 2008 or earlier)
Online Attending Ticket
(For those aged 16 or older at the start of 2024, i.e., born in 2008 or earlier)
Apocryphal (Badge Only)
(Only for non-persons)
WSFS Only£45.00N/A£45.00
N/A = Not Applicable

Chicon 8 Site Selection Voters

If you voted in Site Selection at the Chicon 8 Worldcon, you already have a WSFS Membership. We have sent you at least one email with your user name and you already have an account in our registration system. But if you wish to attend in person or online, you must purchase an Attending Supplement or upgrade to Online Membership to go with the WSFS Membership you already have.

Day Tickets

If you cannot attend the entire convention but want to join us for a day or two, you can buy day tickets. We offer two types of day/weekend tickets. Tickets for those aged 16 and above include access to our online convention. Tickets for those aged under 16 cover attendance only.

Day tickets allow you to attend any on-site Glasgow 2024 function held that day, including ceremonies and parties, except the Business Meeting. Day tickets do not require purchase of a membership. But you may purchase a separate WSFS membership if you wish to participate in Site Selection or the Business Meeting.

Our day/weekend ticket rates are as follows:

Ticket Period16+ Years OldUnder 16 Years Old
Thursday 8 Aug£25£10
Friday 9 Aug£35£15
Saturday 10 Aug£55£25
Sunday 11 Aug£55£25
Monday 12 Aug£15£5
Weekend 10 and 11 Aug£100£45

For questions about rates and refund policies, see the registration FAQ, or contact Registration at