Younger Members

Support for Younger Members

Glasgow 2024 welcomes younger fans! We have a range of offerings to support our younger members.

Children are also welcome at all programme items which are not marked as being 18+, with appropriate supervision. Infants and Children who are 10 years and under must be within sight of their supervising adult at all times while at the convention unless left with professional childcare. Teens must know where their supervising adult is and be able to easily contact them.


Professional childcare for our youngest members is provided for a subsidised fee. See full details on our Childcare page.

Children’s Programming

Targeted at our Child members, Children’s Programming offers an exciting range of activities. Go to the programme schedule and, under Area, select “Children’s Programme” to filter for all the options.

Lactation Space

The convention has a dedicated lactation space for those who need it. Ask at the Accessibility Desk in Hall 4 for more information.

Parent/Child Playspace

In the heart of Hall 4 is an area for children and their parents to rest, play, and create, with seating and crafting tables.

Teen Lounge

On the opposite side of the Memorial Garden from the Parent/Child Playspace is a dedicated space for teens to meet up with each other. Even though a “Teen” membership is for ages 11-15 at this convention, we welcome other people whose age ends in -teen to the space as well.