The Unicorn Issue 3

Signing area in Hall 4, open 10:00 to 17:00


Worldcon Philharmonic will run from 20:00 to 22:15 in the Clyde Auditorium (Armadillo) on Friday.

Volunteers needs people for Voice of Online and Con Ops roles. The task slips are in Prog Ops (Boisdale) and Con Ops (by the bakery on the SEC concourse) respectively.

Volunteers area in Hall 4

More Notices

There are now bag checks on the inner route into the Armadillo. Maybe yesterday was a fluke….

However, the outside route from the Argyll Suite (and the Fan and Fishlifter) to the SEC is now open. You can’t bring beer that way though (we tried).

Business Meeting

The Saturday Business Meeting will begin at 10am and start immediately in executive session, addressing agenda items D.11 and D.12 Mark Protection Committee – balloting first thing on Sunday, results Monday. Please see the business-meeting channel on Discord.

Business Meeting in the Village Hotel

Be Aware!

The SEC is required by law to be very strict about room capacity and crowds that may impair everyone’s ability to exit in case of an emergency.

Meeting rooms and the exhibition halls will have SEC stewards at the entrances.  They will be in a uniform, with a white shirt and blue and red striped tie, with or without a blue jacket or cardigan.

Be Aware! (2)

Please keep in mind the following:

•Standing in the back of a meeting room is not allowed unless a steward has given permission.

•If an event is labelled as being for those 18 or over, the steward may request proof of age if there is any question.  Even if accompanied by a parent, those undtheer 18 will not be admitted.

•Do not linger in doorway to see if a panel is interesting.  Please move into the room and find a seat.  The steward at the door will remind you to please take a seat. 

•If the steward says the room is full, please find another event to attend.

•If a steward asks you to move along, please do so promptly, as you may be creating a choke point in the traffic flow.

Be Aware! (short version)

Don’t overcrowd the rooms.

Please cooperate with the SEC stewards if they ask you to move.

Be sensible.

Get there as early as you can! Even panellists are being turned away.

Terri Windling and Amal El-Mohtar

Food & Drink

Food truck hours (Hall 4) are 10:00 to midnight.

We have received a recommendation for haggis pakora (not available from the food trucks it seems). Please tell us where to find this.

Fish & Chips food truck in Hall 4

Are You Lost?

The Glasgow Worldcon Portal has a list of what room is where:

Scroll down the page for the list.

Have you lost something?

Lost and Found is located in the SEC Info Desk, you will find it on the Concourse opposite the Clydebuilt Bar.

Opening Hours: 09:30 – 21:00

The Fan and Fishlifter bar in the Crowne Plaza, serving beer from the barrel

Need a place to recharge?

Safer Spaces rooms are available on the 1st Floor (2nd Floor US) of the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

The BIPOC Safer Spaces room is 112.

The LGBTQ+ Safer Spaces room is 115.

Quiet room is M5 in SEC and Malin in the Crowne Plaza.

Workshops area in Hall 4, near the food trucks

What Makes a Book Hugo Worthy?

Use this QR code to take a survey (for a postgraduate dissertation).

code for a survey on Hugo Awards

Guests of Honour Nnedi Okorafor and Terri Windling Talking


Thanks to Steve Davies, Ian Brogan, Glasgow photo pool, Sean Berry, Effy,  Rebecca Montgomery

Unicorn logo by Sue Mason.

Thanks to the SEC for sorting out our internet connection!