On Saturday, we will celebrate costumes inspired by science fiction and fantasy. Costuming has been a feature of Worldcon since the very first in 1939, where Morojo (Myrtle R. Douglas) and Forrest J Ackerman wore “futuristicostumes”, designed and made by Morojo and inspired by the film Things to Come. There will be opportunities to make, wear, and repair costumes throughout the convention, including Cosplay and hall costumes, and at the Chaos Costume area (more details in Progress Report 4).

The Glasgow 2024 Masquerade will take place at 8 p.m. on Saturday evening in SEC Hall 2, where we will celebrate costumes inspired by science fiction and fantasy. Whatever your level of experience in creating a costume, this is your opportunity to share your imagination and creative skills with an appreciative audience. All Worldcon members are welcome to participate, either by producing and entering costumes of your own or in groups, or by joining the audience to watch the show. Whether you want to participate, or offer suggestions or ideas, get in touch via
Want to know a bit more about the history of costuming and the Worldcon Masquerade? Check out this article on “Discovering Worldcon: Masquerade, Costuming, and Cosplay” by Events Division Head Vincent Docherty.
Masquerade Photos and Awards
A full album of photos of the Masquerade entrants is available on our Flickr stream.
We presented a number of awards at the Masquerade. This page has a complete listing.
Half Time Show
We are delighted to announce that Ada Palmer’s filk band Sassafrass will be performing as half-time entertainment at the Glasgow 2024 Masquerade!

How to Participate
The Masquerade Rules are now available. These set out the rules you need to follow to take part in the Glasgow 2024 Masquerade and also explain the Division system which is used to ensure fair competition between costumers of comparable experience and achievement.
Once you have read and understood the Rules, you can apply to take part in the Masquerade by completing our Entry Form (link disabled as the convention is now over).
Masquerade Desk
The Masquerade desk will be open in Hall 4 on Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 Noon. Masquerade participants must check in at the desk as soon as possible to receive information packets and release forms and to submit documentation and audio recordings, etc. New registrations will be accepted on-site until 12 Noon on Saturday.
Audio Submissions
The instructions and guidance for submitting contestant audio files are now available. Please submit sound files before August 1 wherever possible. Files will be accepted during the convention both online and at the Masquerade desk, but earlier is better.