The Hugo Awards are science fiction’s most prestigious award, since 1953. The Hugo Awards are voted on by members of the World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) which is also responsible for administering them.
What is special about the Hugo Awards?
The Hugo Awards are nominated for and voted on by fans who are passionate about the genre. The finalists make an excellent list to find new books and media you may have missed. The 2020 Hugo Award finalists were announced in April.
To be eligible to vote in the 2020 Hugo Awards, you must be a member (supporting or attending) of this year’s Worldcon, ConZealand. Watch the team at ConZealand explain the process. Voting for the 2020 Hugos closes on July 15th (of course, the content can be enjoyed anytime.)
Every member of Worldcon (supporting or attending) can download the Hugo Packet, which includes an awful lot of Hugo content. You can also find lots of Hugo finalist content free online.
What are Retro-Hugos?
Science Fiction has been going a lot longer than the Hugos, so many famous works never got the chance to win an Award. Worldcons have the right to award Hugos for a year 50, 75 or 100 years in the past. Not all Worldcons choose to do this. ConZealand is running the 1945 Retro-Hugos.
By supporting Worldcon, by voting in the Hugo Awards, you are helping to promote wonderful artists and creators, so that they can continue to produce more amazing content for us all to enjoy. It is a splendid circle of energy and creativity.
The Bid Team for Glasgow in 2024 is excited about the Hugo Awards and we’d like to share this excitement with you. Over the next few weeks, we will take a look (under the bonnet) at some of the 2020 Hugo Award categories. We hope you enjoy our musings.
Our first review is for Best Graphic Novel.
We are the Bid Team for Glasgow in 2024 – A Worldcon for Our Futures. We are part of the vibrant Worldcon community. We would love to administer the 2024 Hugo Awards for you, from Glasgow.
Please consider supporting us.